

Given an Item identifier, the GetItems operation returns some or all of the item attributes, depending on the resources specified in the request.

GetItems supports the following high-Level resources:

To look up more than one item at a time, separate the item identifiers by commas.


All locales, however, the parameter support varies by locale.

Request Parameters

Check Common Request Parameters for more information on common input parameters. For detailed information on how to create and send a request, refer Sending a Request. All GetItems input parameters are listed below:

Name Description Required
Condition The condition parameter filters offers by condition type. For example, Condition:Used will return items having atleast one offer of Used condition type. For more information and valid values, refer Condition Parameter.
  • Type: String
  • Default Value: Any
  • Usage: {"Condition":"Used"}
CurrencyOfPreference Currency of preference in which the prices information should be returned in response. By default the prices are returned in the default currency of the marketplace. Expected currency code format is the ISO 4217 currency code (i.e. USD, EUR etc.). For information on default currency and valid currencies for a marketplace, refer Locale Reference.
  • Type: String (Non-Empty)
  • Default Value: None
  • Usage: {"CurrencyOfPreference":"USD"}
ItemIdType Type of item identifier used to look up an item. For more information on valid values, refer ItemIdType Parameter.
  • Type: String
  • Default Value: ASIN
  • Usage: {"ItemIdType":"ASIN"}
ItemIds One or more ItemIds like ASIN that uniquely identify an item. The meaning of the number is specified by ItemIdType. That is, if ItemIdType is ASIN, the ItemId value is an ASIN.
  • Type: List of Non-Empty Strings (up to 10)
  • Default Value: None
  • Usage: "ItemIds" : ["B0199980K4" , "B000HZD168"]
LanguagesOfPreference Languages in order of preference in which the item information should be returned in response. By default the item information is returned in the default language of the marketplace. Expected locale format is the ISO 639 language code followed by underscore followed by the ISO 3166 country code (i.e. en_US, fr_CA etc.). For information on default language and valid languages for a marketplace, refer Locale Reference. Currently only single language of preference is supported.
  • Type: List of Strings (Non-Empty)
  • Default Value: None
  • Usage: {"LanguagesOfPreference":["en_ES"]}
Marketplace Target Amazon Locale. For more information, refer Common Request Parameters.
  • Type: String
  • Default Value: None
  • Usage: {"Marketplace":""}
Merchant Filters search results to return items having at least one offer sold by target merchant. For more information and valid values, refer Merchant Parameter.
  • Type: String
  • Default Value: All
  • Usage: {"Merchant":"Amazon"}
OfferCount The number of offers desired for each item in the search results. Offers are returned if any of Offers Resources are requested. Currently only value of 1 is supported.
  • Type: Positive Integer
  • Default Value: 1
  • Usage: {"OfferCount":1}
PartnerTag Unique Id for a partner. For more information, refer Common Request Parameters.
  • Type: String (Non-Empty)
  • Default Value: None
  • Usage: {"PartnerTag":"xyz-20"}
PartnerType Type of Amazon program. For more information and valid values, refer Common Request Parameters.
  • Type: String
  • Default Value: None
  • Usage: {"PartnerType":"Associates"}
Resources Specifies the types of values to return. You can specify multiple resources in one request. For list of valid Resources for GetItems operation, refer Resources Parameter.
  • Type: List of Strings
  • Default Value: ["ItemInfo.Title"]
  • Usage: "Resources" : [ "Images.Primary.Small", "ItemInfo.ProductInfo"]

Condition Parameter

Note that, a GetItems request with a particular Condition parameter may return 0 offers if there are no offers with the specified condition.

Condition Value Description
Any Offer Listings for items across any condition
New Offer Listings for New items
Used Offer Listings for Used items
Collectible Offer Listings for Collectible items
Refurbished Offer Listings for Certified Refurbished items

ItemIdType Parameter

ItemIdType Value Description
ASIN Amazon Standard Identification Number: 10-Character alphanumeric unique identifier assigned by Amazon. For more details, see ASIN

Merchant Parameter

Note that, a GetItems request with a particular Merchant parameter may return 0 offers if there are no offers from the specified Merchant.

Merchant Value Description
All List offers from all Merchants
Amazon List offers only from Amazon

Resources Parameter

Resource Value Description
BrowseNodeInfo.BrowseNodes Get the browse nodes associated with the item. Using this resource only will return Id, DisplayName, ContextFreeName and IsRoot information associated with each browse node. For more information, refer BrowseNodeInfo Resources.
BrowseNodeInfo.BrowseNodes.Ancestor Get the Ancestry ladder associated with each of the browse nodes the item falls under. Using this resource will return ancestry ladder along with Id, DisplayName, ContextFreeName and IsRoot information associated with each browse node. For more information, refer BrowseNodeInfo Resources.
BrowseNodeInfo.BrowseNodes.SalesRank Get the SalesRank information with each of the browse nodes the item falls under. Using this resource will return sales rank along with Id, DisplayName, ContextFreeName and IsRoot information associated with each browse node. For more information, refer BrowseNodeInfo Resources.
BrowseNodeInfo.WebsiteSalesRank Get WebsiteSalesRank information associated with the item. For more information, refer BrowseNodeInfo Resources.
Images.Primary.Small Returns small-sized primary image for each item. For more information, refer Images Resources
Images.Primary.Medium Returns medium-sized primary image for each item. For more information, refer Images Resources
Images.Primary.Large Returns large-sized primary image for each item. For more information, refer Images Resources
Images.Variants.Small Returns small-sized variant images for each item. For more information, refer Images Resources
Images.Variants.Medium Returns medium-sized variant images for each item. For more information, refer Images Resources
Images.Variants.Large Returns large-sized variant images for each item. For more information, refer Images Resources
ItemInfo.ByLineInfo Returns set of attributes that specifies basic information of the item. For more information, refer ItemInfo Resources
ItemInfo.Classifications Returns set of attributes that are used to classify an item into a particular category. For more information, refer ItemInfo Resources
ItemInfo.ContentInfo Returns set of attributes that are specific to the content like Books, Movies, etc. For more information, refer ItemInfo Resources
ItemInfo.ContentRating Returns set of attributes that specifies what age group is suitable to view said media. For more information, refer ItemInfo Resources
ItemInfo.ExternalIds Returns set of identifiers that is used globally to identify a particular product. For more information, refer ItemInfo Resources
ItemInfo.Features Returns set of attributes that specifies an item's key features. For more information, refer ItemInfo Resources
ItemInfo.ManufactureInfo Returns set of attributes that specifies manufacturing related information of an item. For more information, refer ItemInfo Resources
ItemInfo.ProductInfo Returns set of attributes that describe non-technical aspects of an item. For more information, refer ItemInfo Resources
ItemInfo.TechnicalInfo Returns set of attributes that describes the technical aspects of the item. For more information, refer ItemInfo Resources
ItemInfo.Title Returns the title of the product. For more information, refer ItemInfo Resources
ItemInfo.TradeInInfo Returns set of attributes that specifies trade-in information of an item. For more information, refer ItemInfo Resources
Offers.Listings.Availability.MaxOrderQuantity Returns maximum number of quantity that can be purchased for a product. For more information, refer Offers Resources
Offers.Listings.Availability.Message Returns Availability message of the product. For more information, refer Offers Resources
Offers.Listings.Availability.MinOrderQuantity Returns minimum number of quantity needed to make the purchase of the product. For more information, refer Offers Resources
Offers.Listings.Availability.Type Returns availability type of the product. For more information, refer Offers Resources
Offers.Listings.Condition Returns condition of the product. For more information, refer Offers Resources
Offers.Listings.Condition.ConditionNote Returns condition note of the product i.e., the product condition provided by the seller. For more information, refer Offers Resources
Offers.Listings.Condition.SubCondition Returns subcondition of the product. For more information, refer Offers Resources
Offers.Listings.DeliveryInfo.IsAmazonFulfilled Returns whether an offer for the product is fulfilled by Amazon. For more information, refer Offers Resources
Offers.Listings.DeliveryInfo.IsFreeShippingEligible Returns whether an offer for the product is eligible for free shipping. For more information, refer Offers Resources
Offers.Listings.DeliveryInfo.IsPrimeEligible Returns whether an offer for the product is prime eligible. For more information, refer Offers Resources
Offers.Listings.IsBuyBoxWinner Returns whether the given offer for the product is buy box winner on the detail page of the product. For more information, refer Offers Resources
Offers.Listings.LoyaltyPoints.Points Returns loyalty points related information for an offer (Currently only supported in Japan marketplace). For more information, refer Offers Resources
Offers.Listings.MerchantInfo Returns seller information for the offer of the product. For more information, refer Offers Resources
Offers.Listings.Price Returns offer buying price of a product. For more information, refer Offers Resources
Offers.Listings.ProgramEligibility.IsPrimeExclusive Returns whether a product is associated with prime exclusive members. For more information, refer Offers Resources
Offers.Listings.ProgramEligibility.IsPrimePantry Returns whether a product is associated with prime pantry program. For more information, refer Offers Resources
Offers.Listings.Promotions Returns various promotions for a product. For more information, refer Offers Resources
Offers.Listings.SavingBasis Returns strike-though price for a particular offer of the product. For more information, refer Offers Resources
Offers.Summaries.HighestPrice Returns highest buying price among all offers for a given item for a particular condition. For more information, refer Offers Resources
Offers.Summaries.LowestPrice Returns lowest buying price among all offers for a given item for a particular condition. For more information, refer Offers Resources
Offers.Summaries.OfferCount Returns total number of offers for a given item for a particular condition. For more information, refer Offers Resources
OffersV2.Listings.Availability Returns maximum number of quantity that can be purchased for a product. For more information, refer to OffersV2 Resources
OffersV2.Listings.Condition Returns condition of the product. For more information, refer to OffersV2 Resources
OffersV2.Listings.DealDetails Returns deal information. For more information, refer to OffersV2 Resources
OffersV2.Listings.IsBuyBoxWinner Returns whether the given offer for the product is buy box winner on the detail page of the product. For more information, refer to OffersV2 Resources
OffersV2.Listings.LoyaltyPoints Returns loyalty points related information for an offer (Currently only supported in Japan marketplace). For more information, refer to OffersV2 Resources
OffersV2.Listings.MerchantInfo Returns seller information for the offer of the product. For more information, refer to OffersV2 Resources
OffersV2.Listings.Price Returns offer buying price of a product. For more information, refer to OffersV2 Resources
OffersV2.Listings.Type Returns offer type. For more information, refer to OffersV2 Resources

| ParentASIN | Returns the parent ASIN for a given item. For more information, refer ParentASIN Resource |

Response Elements

Name Description
Errors List of errors.
ItemResults Container for items.
Items List of Item.
Item Container for item information including ASIN, Detail Page URL and other attributes depending on resources requested.

When requested ItemIds are invalid or inaccessible via the Product Advertising API, they'll show up under the Errors container in the GetItemsResponse. As a result, the order of ItemIds in the response can change. Hence, it is recommended to fetch the requested item's information by checking the ASIN value for the item.


The following is the sample json payload for GetItems request.

        "ItemIds": ["B0199980K4","B000HZD168","B01180YUXS","B00BKQTA4A"],
        "ItemIdType": "ASIN",
        "LanguagesOfPreference": ["en_US"],
        "Marketplace": "",
        "PartnerTag": "xyz-20",
        "PartnerType": "Associates",
        "Resources": ["Images.Primary.Small","ItemInfo.Title","ItemInfo.Features",

Sample Response

The following code snippet is a response to the first request. It shows all of the item attributes that are returned by default.

  "Errors": [
      "__type": "",
      "Code": "ItemNotAccessible",
      "Message": "The ItemId B01180YUXS is not accessible through the Product Advertising API."
  "ItemResults": {
    "Items": [
        "ASIN": "B0199980K4",
        "DetailPageURL": "",
        "Images": {
          "Primary": {
            "Small": {
              "Height": 75,
              "URL": "",
              "Width": 56
        "ItemInfo": {
          "Title": {
            "DisplayValue": "Genghis: The Legend of the Ten",
            "Label": "Title",
            "Locale": "en_US"
        "Offers": {
          "Summaries": [
              "Condition": {
                "DisplayValue": "nuevo",
                "Label": "Condición",
                "Locale": "es_US",
                "Value": "New"
              "HighestPrice": {
                "Amount": 11.99,
                "Currency": "USD",
                "DisplayAmount": "$11.99"
        "ParentASIN": "B07QGKM68X"
        "ASIN": "B00BKQTA4A",
        "DetailPageURL": "",
        "Images": {
          "Primary": {
            "Small": {
              "Height": 75,
              "URL": "",
              "Width": 46
        "ItemInfo": {
          "Features": {
            "DisplayValues": [
              "Round watch featuring logoed white dial with stick indices",
              "36 mm stainless steel case with mineral dial window",
              "Quartz movement with analog display",
              "Leather calfskin band with buckle closure",
              "Water resistant to 30 m (99 ft): In general, withstands splashes or brief immersion in water, but not suitable for swimming"
            "Label": "Features",
            "Locale": "en_US"
          "Title": {
            "DisplayValue": "Daniel Wellington Women's 0608DW Sheffield Stainless Steel Watch",
            "Label": "Title",
            "Locale": "en_US"
        "Offers": {
          "Summaries": [
              "Condition": {
                "DisplayValue": "nuevo",
                "Label": "Condición",
                "Locale": "es_US",
                "Value": "New"
              "HighestPrice": {
                "Amount": 199,
                "Currency": "USD",
                "DisplayAmount": "$199.00"
        "ParentASIN": "B07L5N7P32"
        "ASIN": "B000HZD168",
        "DetailPageURL": "",
        "Images": {
          "Primary": {
            "Small": {
              "Height": 75,
              "URL": "",
              "Width": 56
        "ItemInfo": {
          "Title": {
            "DisplayValue": "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan",
            "Label": "Title",
            "Locale": "en_US"
        "Offers": {
          "Summaries": [
              "Condition": {
                "DisplayValue": "nuevo",
                "Label": "Condición",
                "Locale": "es_US",
                "Value": "New"
              "HighestPrice": {
                "Amount": 9.99,
                "Currency": "USD",
                "DisplayAmount": "$9.99"
        "ParentASIN": "B07G9PHJJH"

results matching ""

    No results matching ""